Craig Scott, is an average single guy living a normal life, enjoying his career as a biologist, spending time with close friends, preparing meals, and exercising. The highlight of his day is spending time with his dog, Ripley. On his 50th birthday, April 23rd his normal life turns upside down when three major things happen all at once: his research project produces the results he’s been seeking for a decade; his funding is canceled, and his beautiful home has a major squirrel problem in the attic. Craig’s charisma solves the research problem, by finally proving results to his investors he was able to obtain increased funding for the next decade. The squirrel problem in the attic turns out to be much more sinister.
Craig learns through various strange coincidences, the problem in the attic is… he’s been receiving visits from an intruder and the intrusions are increasing each week. Soon Craig learns there are multiple intruders and they’re all sharing common secrets with Craig, such as, they were really born on March 23rd and the knowledge and power of the “Book.” An old “Records Book” which has been passed down through the Scott generations since they were freed slaves. Once Craig learns the truth about the “Book” his wonderful loving life becomes more volatile than a tornado. His friends begin to mention his strange behavior such as getting a cat, when he dislikes cats; he’s tired most of the time; and most of all, the once social blueblood is now a recluse. Craig understands, he must be ALONE for a specific amount of time before he can access the “Book’s” strength and to obtain its true powers, it’s crucial to follow 3 other quite random specific directions. Take the ALONE journey with Craig, as you’re truly ALONE with him. In this twisted suspenseful, unpredictable, mind blowing sci-fi thriller, Craig is the only character you really see…or is he?
Digital Phoenix Films' Director Ijumo Hayward is currently scheduled to sit in the director's chair as Director Maurice is considering portraying the principle role of Craig Scott. Because of the demanding schedules of both directors pre-production is delayed and scheduled to begin during the second quarter of 2026 with a release date of Summer 2027. Also, what's delaying the schedule is Director Maurice who's the creator presented Alone as a motion picture but investors are interested in this project being an episodic. Directors Maurice and Hayward are not very thrilled about the episodic proposal, owing to the fact, an episodic filming schedule is extremely rigorous meaning both director's schedules may not allow either to be involved in the project.
Extended trailer of ALONE