JL King, New York Times bestselling Author of "On The Down Low", has formed an alliance with independent film developer, Senwot Nella Films, producer of the jaw-dropping, groundbreaking dvd-drama series, The CLOSET and the television series Secrets. Together, these two power houses have created a provocative docudrama entitled, The TOP 10 Signs of Down Low Behavior and More...
King's book landed him on Oprah, CNN, ETV and a host of other media outlets. This 120-minute docudrama is a follow-up, tell-all and reveals information down low men will NOT want unveiled. It positions King, an ex-down low man, in a discussion with Kevin F. Allen and one other man who also once lived this life style as well as those who are currently exercising this deceptive and manipulative behavior. "The TOP 10 Signs", is finally providing Kings' female readers with ANSWERS to their number one question, "What are the signs of down low men??" It tells women the top 10 down low behaviors that men who are living a hidden sexual life with other men will display; unbeknownst to their leading victims....the special woman in their life!
This project is a passion for all involved because of the alarming rate of HIV/AIDS among African-American women, which is drastically increasing quarterly, the Director Maurice along with JL King & Kevin F. Allen, this trio has made it their quest to assist with educating women. This series is a must watch for every woman who is sexuality active or in a relationship!!! "Women must know and understand, just because you're married does not mean you're exempt," states Kevin F. Allen, who's also one of the Executive Producers of the project.
According to the 2004 to 2006 CDC statistics HIV/AIDS is the leading cause of death for African American women aged 25-34, third leading cause of death for African American women aged 35-44 and fourth leading cause of death for African American women aged 45-54. Why is this happening at such a disproportionate rate? Sadly, heterosexual contact was the source of 78% of these new infections. What becomes even more frightening is the fact that every hour in the U.S. two young people under the age of 25 are infected with HIV.
After the release of King’s 2003 New York Times Bestseller, “On The Down Low” and the release of Townes and Allen’s dvd-Drama Series entitled, “The CLOSET,” these creative minds joined forces and created a 120 minute docudrama entitled The TOP 10 Signs of Down Low Behavior And More. This docudrama is an integral element in the empowerment journey for women, by heightening the awareness of the ever increasing rate of HIV/AIDS among women, particularly Black women. They have also included “the family”, “the Black church” and other entities of the community. “Our belief is that, after seeing this docudrama, women will be provided with informative educational tools with which to further understand the status of their marriage/relationships -- abolish stereotypes and get the strength to leave, exit or divorce if it comes to that.” states Townes.