Electronic Press Kit: EPK's are commercial/spots but much longer and in-dept regarding content.
An Electronic Press Kit (EPK), like its printed predecessor, is designed to be a commercial/spots for your corporation, small business, artist, organization/cause, and products. Your EPK should contain all of the content a reporter, producer, or blogger might need to tell your brand story within their coverage/demographic areas. The content will vary depending on what industry you’re in, the size of your business, and the type of media you’re targeting for coverage.
Your digital press kit can be created in a variety of acceptable formats—from a PowerPoint deck to a PDF file—however, a dedicated press tab on the company website is best, because it creates a one-stop shop for all your company information.
Consider allowing SNFilms to create/develop your EPK. Our team of corporate production developers would enjoy working with you. If interested contact us via email at contactus@snfilms.net please place in the Subject "EPK" and Geoffrey Templeton will get back to you within 8 to 10 business hours. If this is your company's first "video" EPK, ask Geoffrey about our first time company specials. We look forward to working with you!
As mentioned previously, if the Black Lives Matters organization/cause had an EPK there would be no questions regarding their movement. We support BLM completely.
An Electronic Press Kit can be used as a commercial/spot as well. Upon the release of his first book of photography, internationally known and collected visual artist, Ijumo Hayward, collaborated with Director Maurice to create an engaging commercial/EPK to herald his book's release.
Commercial/EPK: Ijumo Hayward Photography
We developed DeKalb Community Service Board's (DeKalb CSB) electronic press kit.
DeKalb Community Service Board (CSB) is an innovative, community-based behavioral health and developmental disabilities services organization located in metropolitan Atlanta, Georgia, offering a full range of mental health services, developmental disabilities programs and substance abuse treatment to more than 11,000 citizens annually who are uninsured and under-insured.
As a public, not-for-profit organization, the DeKalb CSB operates more than 20 locations in DeKalb County with a diverse workforce of more than 500 direct-care and support staff.
Links to DeKalb CSB EPKs created/developed by SNFilms
Wonderland Garden’s Health Initiative
The WG Health Initiative’s focus is bettering the current and future health of our community. Our Mission is to change the eating habits that are killing us slowly but surely, through educating as many people as possible about the basic relationship between us and our food, the way it is grown and how it is prepared. We therefore, provide programs that target specific groups within the life cycle of our community, children, adults and seniors. We are working to save lives.
Working with the principles of Wonderland Gardens, Deborah Summerville & Sheldon Fleming, it was a very pleasurable experience developing their EPK. Not to mention all of the valuable information I learn regarding eating healthy and correctly. ---Director Maurice
Wonderland Garden's EPK
What we recommend be included in an Actor's Electronic Press Kit:
-Artist Backgrounder
-Artist Bios
-A Selection of Important Press Releases
-Products/Services Fact Sheet(s)
-Case Studies
-Noteworthy Press Coverage
-Industry Awards and Accolades
-Digital Artwork
-Contact Information
Artist Reel Sample: Ruby J. Montgomery
Ruby J. Montgomery is one of the first Actor's who signed with SNFilms during the early 2000's. Ruby J. Montgomery is one of the main characters in the drama series entitled, The CLOSET. "I've seen Ruby's career develop and skyrocket. From the first moment she auctioned for us, I knew immediately, I wanted to work with her. Our journey over the years has been completely awesome," stated Director Maurice.
At SENWOT NETWORK FILMS our goal is to continue to penetrate the motion picture industry just as Alfred Hitchcock, James Cameron, George Lucas and Spike Lee did -- by creating motion pictures and television shows that focus on ordinary people being drawn into an extraordinary and unique chain of events -- enabling, you the audience to reap the benefits of being uniquely entertained.
4002 Highway 78
Suite 530-195
Snellville, Georgia 30039
Call/text: (404) 491-1766
Email: contactus@snfilms.net