It's be GREEN LIGHTED!  We've been honored to heard that several times.  Are you interested in joining our skillful, dynamic, inclusive, talented production teams?   
Available Position for Projects, Acting/Talent positions below

-Directors (prerequisite: worked as a Director on 3 episodic series at minimum)

-Directors (prerequisite: worked as a Director on 3 motion pictures at minimum)

-Assistant Directors (prerequisite: worked as an AD on 2 productions)

-Producers (prerequisite: worked as a Producer on 5 films at minimum)

-Line Producers (prerequisite: worked as a Line Producer on 3 films or 2 episodics at a minimum)

-Camera Persons with knowledge of Blackmagic cameras

-Sound Technicians

-Drone Operators

-Senior Editors (prerequisite: worked as a Senior/Chief Editor on 2 motion pictures or 1 episodic at minimum.  Knowledge of Adobe Premiere preferred)

-Editor (prerequisite: worked as an Editor on a motion picture/episodic at least 2 years experience.  No Beginners.  Knowledge of Adobe Premiere preferred.  Sony Vegas okay)  

-Script Supervisors

-Location Producers

-Lighting Technicians

-Procurement Manager

-Human Resources Manager

-Production Assistants


-Transportation Specialist

-Hair & Make-up Specialist

-Wardrobe Specialist

-Continuity Specialist

-Storyboard Specialist

If interested forward info to please "Prod Crew" in the subject.  We need to see your reel, portfolio, etc.  We conduct extensive interviews to ensure we're hiring individuals who and skillful, talented and would work well with our completely diverse production teams.  Our teams will be conducting extensive interviews and we encourage applicates to interview our teams, as much as, we're going to interview you.  Our goal is for our production/project relationships to be harmonious.  Thank you for your consideration.

Note:  All of our productions are smoke free and drug free environments.  None of our production sets have smoking areas or environments, please keep that in mind when applying to join our production team.  In addition, our Line Producers agree mobile devices such as, cell phones, tables, cameras, etc are strictly prohibited on our film production sets. If you cannot work an 8-hr day without your mobile devices our film production projects will not be a good fit for your talents. 

Available on-screen Talent Position for films/episodics

With several of our projects being GREEN LIGHTED at once we are in need of the following Acting Talent:

-All Ages (including babies and mainly seniors)

-All Races & backgrounds & ethnicity/types. 

Also, we're in need of animals:








Please submit headshots, resumes, reel links, portfolio links, etc. to place in the subject line "Acting".

Note: All of our productions are smoke free and drug free environments. None of our production sets have smoking areas or environments, please keep that in mind when applying to join our cast.  In addition, our Directors agree mobile devices such as, cell phones, tables, cameras, etc are strictly prohibited on our film production sets.  If you cannot work an 8-hr day without your mobile devices our film production projects will not be a good fit for your talents.  

Screenwriters are needed for films/episodes

We are in need of the following Screenwriters:


-Sci-Fi (space)

-Sci-Fi (fantasy)



4 years of film/episodic screenwriting experience is required; however, that does NOT mean your scripts must have been green lighted.   For example, you could have been writing scripts for 5 years and none of your stories were green lighted but you have the skills to develop screenplays.  Please submit resumes, reel links, portfolio links, etc. to place in the subject line "Screenwriter".

Also, please keep in mind we're always seeking new stories and projects.  If your stories have not been green lighted consider submitting them to us!

About SNFilms

At SENWOT NETWORK FILMS our goal is to continue to penetrate the motion picture industry just as Alfred Hitchcock, James Cameron, George Lucas and Spike Lee did -- by creating motion pictures and television shows that focus on ordinary people being drawn into an extraordinary and unique chain of events -- enabling, you the audience to reap the benefits of being uniquely entertained.

Get in Touch


4002 Highway 78
Suite 530-195
Snellville, Georgia 30039

Call/text: ‪(404) 491-1766‬



Need help? Contact our team

    call or text
‪(404) 491-1766‬

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