


We believe Actors should develop the skills to take control of their own destiny. SNFilms Acting School is the perfect teaching environment that will provide you the opportunity to “spotlight” your industry knowledge beyond acting skills. We will teach you how to act, write, produce and direct your own work as an independent filmmaker, so you don’t have to wait for acceptance to “star” in industry productions. 

Upon completion of our 6-week course you will have total knowledge of the following:

  • How movies and television shows are created
  • Film & Tv definitions
  • Industry Professions & careers
  • Acting Terminology
  • Acting Techniques
  • Develop your Acting Resume
  • Understanding your role as an Actor in a production
  • Understanding a character
  • Character Development
  • What movie Credits mean and why they are important
  • Blocking/Staging
  • How to prepare for Auditions
  • How to prepare for Screentest
  • How to read a script as an Actor
  • Script Analysis
  • Storyboards Analysis
  • Voice & Speech
  • Filmmaking
  • Screenwriting
  • What it means to be an Actor
  • Salary negotiations

If you have aspirations of becoming an actor or if you would like to give your current skills a tune-up SNFilms Acting School course is for you. 

Enroll and complete our acting class and acquire the skills all great actors share: mastery of voice, what to do with your hands and movement, free access opening your imagination, and the ability to act from impulse, intuition and of course taking direction from a Director. Bring characters and conflict to life and connect with your audiences’ emotions and experiences all while getting the best education and training our acting schools can offer.

"Character development, preparing for auditions, understanding scripts and how to totally become a particular character are just a few topics I'm looking forward to presenting to students.", states Broadcast Director, Screenwriter, Editor, Maurice Townes, who's one of the instructors of the course. 

To learn why SNFilms Acting School was created
click here.

The course's curriculum:

  • 6-week duration (i.e., 4.5 hours per week)
  • 2 hours:  Classroom setting “Lessons/Theory” (8 student maximum). 
    Note: You select which day fits your schedule.
    • Monday evenings 6:30pm to 8:30pm or
    • Tuesdays from 9:30am – 11:30am or
    • Wednesdays from 9:30am – 11:30am 
  • 2.5 hour: Workshop setting "Practical hands-on Acting Workshop”.
    • Saturdays from 12:30pm – 3:00pm.

Call / Text us at (678) 653-FILM (3456).



Option AF:  $1,200.00 - 6-week course.
Option BF:  $1,500.00 – 6-week course + 3 Professional Headshots (most popular)
Option CF:  $3,750.00 – 6-week course + Actor’s Reel 3mins.
Option DF:  $6,400.00 – 6-week course + Professional Headshots + Actor’s Reel 3mins.
$100.00 discount if paid in full.
If you choose a weekly payments option:
Option AW - $200.00 or
Option BW - $250.00 or
Option CW - $650.00 or
Option DW - $1,080.00 payments are due on Mondays before entering class.  The first payment is due during the enrollment process.


$100.00 discount if PAID in FULL. 
Weekly Payment plan options.
Professional Headshots by published photography add $300.00 (value $1,200)
USB of all footage captured during class/workshop which could be used for the development of your Actor’s Reel.
SNFilms 25% discount on creating your Actor’s Reel. 

About SNFilms

At SENWOT NETWORK FILMS our goal is to continue to penetrate the motion picture industry just as Alfred Hitchcock, James Cameron, George Lucas and Spike Lee did -- by creating motion pictures and television shows that focus on ordinary people being drawn into an extraordinary and unique chain of events -- enabling, you the audience to reap the benefits of being uniquely entertained.

Get in Touch


4002 Highway 78
Suite 530-195
Snellville, Georgia 30039

Call/text: ‪(404) 491-1766‬

Email: contactus@snfilms.net


Need help? Contact our team

    call or text
‪(404) 491-1766‬

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